Judith "Judy" Burke
Professional Massage Therapy

Services & Rates

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT)

vaiorus minutes: $1/min

What Is Vibroacoustic Therapy?

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) is a natural, non-invasive, and complementary therapy that uses sound vibration to help promote relaxation, reduce stress, manage pain, and even improve sleep quality in users. The effectiveness of Vibroacoustic Therapy is backed by scientific research. Studies have shown that this treatment can improve relaxation, reduce stress, and manage pain in those who receive it. VAT sessions can help your body switch from "fight or flight" stress mode to "rest and digest" relaxed recovery mode.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved vibroacoustic therapy for increasing circulation, pain relief, and increasing mobility. It is even being evaluated to treat a number of conditions including fibromyalgia, cerebral palsy and Alzheimer's Disease.

What Can I Expect During a Vibroacoustic Therapy Session?

You will lie on a table that looks a little like a massage table and listen to music. The table has special tactile transducers that vibrate while you listen to music. It's as simple as that!

How do I prepare for my session?

It is recommended that you dress in comfortable clothes. You might want to bring a blanket to keep you from getting cold as you relax. You can also bring an eye mask for during the session if you would like.

Are there some people who should not get VAT?

Since VAT tends to cause a drop in blood pressure, those who tend to have very low blood pressure should avoid VAT.








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20-30 minutes: $25

$25 for consultation and Earseed placement (regular seeds or clear included, crystal seeds are $2  extra for each)

Auriculotherapy is a modality that has been around for thousands of years. It is based on the idea that the ear is a micro system. That is, each part of the body is represented on the ears.  Ear seeds are small seeds that are placed on various parts of the ear with an adhesive strip to stimulate acupressure points. Stimulating various points can help re-balance the body so it can heal. Common uses for acupressure include:  weight loss, smoking cessation, migraines/headaches, sciatica, PMS, stress, anxiety, TMJ pain, low libido, focus, insomnia, skin issues, allergies, digestion, vertigo and many more.

Earseed consultation and placement takes only a few minutes. You can chose from several styles of ear seeds.  You can start with the basic style or upgrade to an almost invisible option or even add some bling with clear or colorful Swarovski crystals.

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Mixed Modality Massage

30 minutes: $40.00
60 minutes: $65.00

This is how I personalize a massage to a particular client's needs at a particular time.  It includes a combination of  various styles such as:  Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, shiatsu, reiki and acupressure. This allows each client to have  a massage experience that is one of a kind. Add a session on the vibroacoustic therapy table or auriculotherapy for a truly holistic treatment that lasts well beyond the time spent for your therapy. 

Free aromatherapy comes with every massage session.

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Swedish Massage

30 minutes: $40.00
60 minutes: $65.00
75 minutes: $80.00
90 minutes: $95.00

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, improved sleep, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.

This massage if done on a regular basis-at least once per month- can really improve the quality of your life.

This style of massage is very helpful for relaxing and letting go of stress.

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Hot Stone Therapy

varies minutes: $20.00 upgrade

Hot Stone Therapy is a style of massage where heated stones are placed at specific sites on your body to deepen relaxation and promote circulation in your muscles. Muscles that are heated with these stones release tension and stress much more deeply and quickly than with a traditional massage. The overall experience is very relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating.  Add them to your massage for just $20.

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Hands and Feet

20 minutes: $30.00

This is a pampering hands and feet only massage.  It's a great gift for anyone-including yourself.  Also, it's perfect when you only have a little time or for those trying massage for the first time. 

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